Fridge & Freezer Liebherr
Spare parts and accessories for Liebherr refrigeration, fridge, freezer, fridge freezer, and chest freezer models.
For all Liebherr spare parts, it is strongly advised that you contact us to ensure the suitability of any parts before ordering a replacement part, and in order to prevent confusion and incorrect orders, many items will not have a model fit list.
In many cases, the part numbers for Liebherr products are stamped on the actual part itself. However, part numbers can and do change therefore if the part number you need is not listed please contact us to help in getting the correct replacement part.
Not checking can lead to you receiving a replacement spare part that will not fit your model and many are special orders and not returnable so please check!
Do not rely on images alone!!
Delivery Times On Liebherr Spare Parts
Please note, most Liebherr parts are sourced from Liebherr in Germany and can take some time to arrive. Most parts are shown as having a 10-25 day lead time, this is a guide only as some parts may well be faster than this but sadly some can take longer but, most will be shorter depending on stock levels in Germany.
Any spare part that you order will be delivered as quickly as possible but please do be aware of the potentially long lead times sometimes leading into several weeks.
Parts marked with a 1-** day lead time are stock items and will dispatch very quickly under normal circumstances.
Lighting 26
Door Handles 68
Door Hinges 98
Door Shelves 49
Salad Trays 64
Fridge Shelves 129
Thermostats 41
Fan Motors 27