Dishwasher Smeg
Spare parts and accessories for Smeg dishwashers including built-in and integrated dishwashers from Smeg. Other brands such as Diplomat and Hygena among others may also be listed that Smeg has made dishwashers.
For help on what information you need to identify Smeg spare parts and where to look to find it, please see this article
If you have any trouble finding or can’t identify the Smeg spares you require for your Smeg dishwasher or you need more help please contact us and we will happily assist you to find the correct part for your Smeg dishwasher. We can obtain almost any available Smeg spare part quickly and often cheaper than most as well as some alternative cheap compatible spare parts.
Please ensure that you use your model number to find parts and do be aware that some models will show multiple of the same part/s used in one model, this is as there are different versions based on serial numbers, and where you see that please ask for help.
General info on where you can find model numbers etc is available here
Get free Smeg dishwasher technical help by using our dishwasher forum to get advice from technicians that repair Smeg dishwashers.
Baskets 15
Filters 8
Spray Arms 39
Feed Pipes 31
Water Valves 11
Hoses 32
Door Fixings 31
Door Locks 29
Door Parts 43
Door Hinges 23
Wash Motors 11